10:55 PM | Saturday, May 31, 2008
havaianas day!
was feeling damn tired this few days. almost everyday must wake up early. has social studies lesson. met abigail and jiahao for breakfast at khatib macs,was late. and i made them late for lesson for 15 mins. sorry! bought bestf macs breakfast! :D haha. smartie pie was using that room for her ncc camp bunk! haha,cool.went tof ind jerome,miss chionh didn't came school,so he didn't had english lesson. slacked at canteen a while,then decided to went market for desert. after that,came back school for nothing,jerome and co went up for amaths remedial,went home.saw wanhao when crossing the road. lol. went home,fell asleep while watching tv! was super late! sorry guys! met up with jerome,wanhao and glenden. headed to vivo. ate superdog for lunch! then went to buy jerome's num shirt. after that headed home,cause glenden had guitar lesson at four! haha. waited for mum to came home,then cabbed to school. had ptc. luckily miss chua was busying seeing juncheng's mum and he. so mr sim talked to my mum! wah,talk so much,until his childhood! super cool. lol. my grandfather and uncle know mr sim! haha. cool lah. met jerome and shermin and headed to market for late dinner or supper lah. ate and headed home together with yinghui. bathed and fell asleep almost immediately. was supersupersuper tired! bestf came back from camp! yay! so happy! :D
yup,fell asleep last night! forget to sent someone goodnight message! hahaha. sorry pig! so woke up at 11,was about to meet jerome and mengchao and wanhao at 1. then at 12.30,i realised i haven't go and cut my hair! haha. so went downstairs nearby market to cut. was okay with my hair! lol. not really satisfied,but heck! it's short again. i don't know why! i like short hair! i am weird lah,everybody like long hair,i like short hair. LOL. met shermin at sembawang and headed to find jerome,wanhao and mengchao. by the time we reach there,they already queueing up for the turky turky. haha. but wasn't so interested in getting it,so went up to buy havaianas only. the queue at heeren was freaking long can. so went to cine one and see. luckily wasn't that much people. saw jiahao(graduate) over there! wah,he really went to RJC. lol. bought three pairs! the brown cartoon one(cling wanted to get this pair),the white brazil for my brother and the yellow brazil slipper(which only cost me 10 bucks! original price is 49.90!). aha! met up with them again and bought ate at kfc! wanted to withdraw money at the atm machine,but all the machines couldn't processed the transaction! wth man! after eating,wanted to go back heeren to buy shermin's slipper,cause didn't had her size at cine. but when we headed back to the streets,it was raining like nobody business! haha. so walked to wisma topman! jerome left after a while. went to try on few clothes. not really nice! wanted to go city hall but the few of them didn't want to. shermin went to meet her friends,then the rest of us went to amk hub. wanted to watch movie,but like don't have nice ones! cause watching narnia with glenden they all,and watching indiana jones i think? with aizhen they all! yup! so,wanhao suggested to go arcade. lol. haha,went in a while and came out. wanted to have pepper lunch for dinner! but atm machine was like crap again. this time don't have 20 bucks,ask me withdraw 50 bucks. so headed home lah! haha. saw jerome at amk again! he going for something! wear until damn nice ah! haha. then headed home,bought dinner. can't wait for pulau ubin on monday! then at night going for the soccer match at national stadium! super can't wait man! 6 more days to EURO 2008! means next friday starting already! and next weekend is kayaking time! haha. cool,one star course! so many things coming ahead next week! but i super can't wait is for wednesday trainning! haha. i don't know why,just feel damn happy now! excited! haha. never feel like that before during holidays! and next wedneday and friday! my grandparents and brother are not going to be at home. uncle bringing them to malaysia,mum and dad is going to work till damn late! so home will be empty most of the time! haha,so coool! don't know where to go tomorrow! haha. but i feel like going to get my shirt! haha. happyhappyhappy! blog tomorrow! :D
it's been quite some times since i last felt so happy. seriously,it's you who made me happy,thanks.oinkkkkk. haha.
put down the past,the future is great ahead. be it bad or good,life goes on.
10:23 PM | Thursday, May 29, 2008
bestf,this post is for you!
woke up 8 plus,tempted to use the phone lah,couldn't fall back asleep already. tv-ed and packed my stuffs,and did something for pig and bestf,then headed to buy things for bestf and headed to school for trg! woohoo. pass bestf the things and trg started! started out to be keeper,swop with muneer halfway and played defender! haha. yay. was quite tired after trg. met mengchao after trg and headed to vivo together with jerome. walked around there. went to harbourfront centre and had pastamania! creamy chicken! :D continue to walked around,mengchao left and left after awhile and headed to amk hub to continue hunting for jerome's watch. saw a few,jerome tried on one! hahaha,quite ...... hahaha. headed home after that. legs were like damn painful. mum bought desert! fell asleep after ahwile! thats why forget to blog! sorry bestf!
hahaha,bestf! this post for you! :D you are damn poor thing lah,always sitting at that command post! hope the food everyday you like it okay! :D go home,must rest a lot!
purposely woke up around 8.25,watched tv a while and headed to school! saw yinghui and shermin on the train. saw pig and bestf in school! yayness! (: damn long never see pig already! haha. someone smiled damn nice today ah! haha. late for poa as usual,boring lesson again. went to market with the same people and was late today. reached around 11.30. had to did work again. wanhao never come! confirm ponned! crap with terence throughout the lesson. headed home with weiyank after lesson. met jerome,ah meng and cling at yio chu kang. headed to orchard. mengchao bought his stuffs,spend a hell lot of time there. ohya,someone couple dress todayyyyy! and at taka mos,the auntie called mengchao,ROBERT! so funny. haha. say what look like gangster! haha. headed to city hall,only to find out jerome's num shirt only vivo have S. so he reserved it and tomorrow going after his remedial. ate at raffles city mos,headed home after that. haha,something damn funny happen during the train ride back! there's 45 mins of social studies tomorrow. it's super waste of time can. there's parent teacher conference tomorrow night. mine slot is 8.30! damn late,but most probably no people,cause a lot of people get the earlier slots! haha. okay,freaking tired already,meeting abigail,jiahao and maybe jerome for macs breakfast at khatib tomorrow! damn early,8 somemore! alright,blog tomorrow! :D
bestf! thank you for the tag! i only saw it this afternoon! you are coming back tomorrow already! yay! calls! next week camp again! ): nvm,looking forward to tomorrow night's chat!
no doubt,there's a whole lot to it.
11:10 PM | Tuesday, May 27, 2008
LG KS20!
alright,had remedial lessons today. started off with poa,was late for 15 mins. haha. but not as late as sheryl okay! 10.15 then come,must well don't come! went market eat with gary,tzewei,wilson yeo,youlim and yuanyi. went back school for maths,was late for a while,but wanhao haven't reach yet man! haha. the aircon today like not working,was damn hot throughout the lesson. time past fast today. supposed to lunched at market with wanhao and gary. but something embarrassing happened! so headed home first. hahaha.met up with jerome at yck. was late for an hour? haha,dragged by the darn rain. damn man,when i walked out of the lift,cross the road already,then rained like damn heavy. so had to waited a while,in the end,got drenched. headed to orchard to walk around. f that girl who scold me that word lah. lol. haha,anyway headed to city hall. saw derek and someone. hahahahhahaha. walked to suntec but didn't found the watch that jerome likes. headed to ang mo kio to meet my parents to change phoneeeeee! :D yay! LG KS20! supposed to be the prada phone,but at taka ask the guy,he said they don't carry that prada phone anymore. then had no choice,KS20 was like last choice! haha. damn cool okay! waited quite a while. haha. damn cool lah the phone. (: fetched brother from tution,ate and headed home. trg tomorrow for team pussies! haha. kind of wth. lol,the team name. haha. keeperrrrrrr. see how man. trg starts at 1 and ends at 4! haha. bestf in school for camp again): and pig's having competition tomorrow! so got chance see both of them! haha,but i promise pig something already. hahahaha. maybe going out after trg! haha. see how! alright,can't wait for trg tomorrowwwwww,first trg for the club! damn cool. alright,blog tomorrow! :D
the clock doesn't seems to move on,and time just stop for that moment.
bestf! ncc camp postssssss! :D haha. must rest well and take care okay! guess you will be able to see this when you are back! hahaha. friday): hurry comeback lahhhhhh!
time stands still at that moment.
10:01 PM | Monday, May 26, 2008
changing phone!
alright,changed a new skin. thanks ah cling! (: anyway,stayed at home the whole day day today. but time just pass by very fast today. really very fast. maybe the games that my cousin introduced to me. haha. alright,the div 3 team is should be more or less confirmed already. but bad news is,i am playing keeper. i don't know lah,shall see how for wednesday trg first. don't feel like playing keeper lah,but there's no more keepers. damn. see how lah. anyway,changing phone tomorrow! woohoo. KE850! yay,the LG phone. super can't wait man! :D:D:D:D:D changing at night,but there's poa and maths remedial tomorrow. ): poa,1hr 30mins of poa. wahhhh. don't know how will i be able to get over it man. hope time just pass quickly like how time pass today. the F1 race is coming soon! haha. quite cool man! hope that during that time can see lewis hamilton and heikki kovalainen! the two mclaren drivers! cool! alright,can't wait for tomorrow night! ohya,tomorrow afternoon should be going out to help mengchao find his present and jerome's watch. lol. LG phone!!! blog tomorrow! :D
none of my business anymore.
let time pass,

11:24 PM | Sunday, May 25, 2008
woke up at 7.40. met jerome,wanhao,jianyi and kok sien at yio chu kang. trained to clarke quay,we were the earliest there. the rest came shortly after. haha. woo,we didn't got the merahans and northland teams. in the end,we played against ourselves! and an additional swiss cottage team. haha,damn crap man,all four team,get to play against each other! super crap. haha. anyway,me,gary,jerome and victor and the swiss team went on to the next round. woohoo,the semis were fierce. played against the east view team. played like damn rough throughout. in the end,we had to be decided on penalties. luckily their second shooter missed it. and there we go,the finals against northland. they totally controlled the whole game,i managed to score the first goal,the ball bounced in! haha. but then they equalised back! 1-1! so it had to be decided on penalties again! haha. we lose,victor missed it. damn unlucky! haha. but nvm lah,second place is like being the champions,just for the name and placing sake only. haha. 200 dollars and four silver medals! haha,still not bad lah! haha. changed and walked to funan IT mall. ate kfc there,then went to train home after that. was stuck outside home for more than a hour! parents brought whole family out and i had to be left outside waiting for their arrival. haha. slept a while and here i am blogging! no school tomorrow! yay! :D but there's 1 hr 30mins of poa on tuesday and thursday. ): thats really very boring. i want go rest more already! damn tired! haha!alright,blog tomorrow then! :D
nothing left.
11:52 PM | Saturday, May 24, 2008
yayness! they are back from TAMAN! yes. woohooo. finally,receive bestf and small pig calls! haha. anyway,was quite pretty busy morning,msging pig! haha. had a hard time wearing contacts,gave up wearing halfway. went to city hall to meet jerome and wanhao. ate mos and shermin came shortly after. slacked there. and went to marina square and walk around. after headed to home first. met up with jerome and shermin around 9.40 and had dinner at taste of thailand! wooohoooo. each one of us ordered like one big plate of pineapple rice! haha. damn filling and full! headed home! thank you for talking with me pig! :D tomorrow's the 3-on-3! (: can't wait,must win something lah! hahaha. hope xavier ref tomorrow! haha,can help us a bit. lol. but he's working,damn. finally school holidays are here already. damn fast lah. can't wait for kayaking course! 7th and 8th june! can't wait lah! haha. there's remedial lessons next week,how bored can it be. ): but every wed got andrew's club trg. :D haha. wonder if tomorrow got east knights trg a not. haha,then it will be a full day of floorball tomorrow for me! if there's trg lah! haha. alright,i think i am going to sleep,if not tomorrow cannot wake up,i die! lol. blog tomorrow! :D
it doesn't matter whether you care a not,because i don't.
i have let it go,
11:53 PM | Friday, May 23, 2008
they are coming back!
stayed at home the whole day today. how bored eh. didn't go to school. forgot to tell steven and made him late today. sorry! didn't did on purpose,totally forget everything. was tired,just fell asleep last night. slacked at home the whole day. but found out a lot of songs,thanks to bestf downloading website! :D yay! at night,mum bought macs home for dinner. was starving at home from 2 to around 6 or 7 man! super hungry like crazy. anyway,small pig msged me just now! yay! haha. caleld her to talked a while! damn coooooool! sounds like things are fine there! they are on the way to the train station! :D estimated time to reach is 10 am! hope they reach on time,everything seems to be delayed for them! haha,i remember when our last day at taman that time,we arrived at the train station around 12.15 like that. and waited almost an hour for our train at the station. when we got down from the bus,the stars there were really beautiful. i hope i could go back there and look at it again. it's really very beautiful. and i still remember mr lau ask us to pee at the drain when the guy's toilet were locked at the train station there! wahlau,had no choice that time! it's really damn fun at taman. those were the days. i really miss that part. how i hope time would go back. haha,anyway there's this fatpipe event at taka tomorrow. going down to take a look tomorrow. got 2 finnish floorball players over there. wanhao's and jerome's cage soccer competition tomorrow,meeting them after that. haha. and the most EXCITING thing is! THEY ARE COMING BACK TOMORROW MORNING! like finally! this few days have been damn bored! i miss bestf calls lah. can't wait can't wait! :D alright,i can't wait for sunday's three on three! hope we will go there and at least win something? yeah! haha. kuenkuen says tomrrow the great singapore sales starts? yay! means everything got discount! shit,i sound like so typical singaporean! hahahaha. cool,mean i can get all the shirts i want! :D woohoo,i can't wait for tomorrow! don't think i am sleeping early today! woohoo! can't wait for them to comeback like serious. lol. alright,blog tomorrow! :D ohya,man u were the champions! should have blog yesterday,but wasn't in the mood yesterday! hahahaha.
when i think about you,i thought about the stars in the sky.
bestf! coming back in 10 hours time! super can't wait! hahaha. hope you are sleeping well in the train! (:
best of the moments,are always the short and sweet display.
9:30 PM | Thursday, May 22, 2008
i feel weird.
today sucks. like crap. the day started with 5 boring and teacherless lessons till recess. had poa after that. as usual,BORING. then had relief teacher for bio. and had CF. had the DISC profiling thing. the videos are,really quite scary to think of it. then had match. kinda weird wearing contacts playing for the first time. played like crap as a player for the first two periods,really shit. played keeper for third period,was even more shit. let in 2 stupid goals. won them 18-6,don't know why just really didn't put in my best effort to play the game,i knew i could do better. damn. headed home after the match. i don't feel like going school tomorrow. last day of school. it's really very bored. don't have the mood to post more anyway. guess shall stop here today. blog tomorrow.
one more day. hm,i am really feeling nothing.
bestf,hows the night spend at the cave? hope it's a good one for you. (: you are finally coming back on saturday. really can't wait for your calls!
life's short,i want to cherish and enjoy every moment.
7:02 PM | Wednesday, May 21, 2008
day two at taman for bestf!
okay,i just realise i am in need of non-stop flowing of cash. the grip on my stick needs a change. i need to get a new shirt and probably some t-shirts. the concert tics. kayaking fees. upcoming league fees(jerseys,money for the club). a new wallet. new havaianas. and a lot of other things. sudenly couldn't remember. how i wish one million dollars is just in front of me now. haha,quite and very impossible. there's no free lunch in this world. alright,let's start the day today. still as boring as ever. mostly free periods. mr chandra taking the sec threes out i think,so no bio. ss was like quite boring,mdm loo told us about what she's going to teach during the remedial lesson during june holidays. 3 periods of recess today. mr sim is in taman and no pe for us today. wah,how bored. slacked all the way at parade square and had chem after that. was sleeping practically once miss lim started with the lesson. it was like sleeping in a sauna. the day was super seriously hot. luckily next two periods were maths. miss chong came in to takeover. wah,finally aircon room. did deyi's secondary maths paper two. didn't complete though. had poa after that,a lot of people talking and miss chee was really quite angry. held back a bit and ended school. decided quite a long time of going where,in the end had lunch at market. -.- went back school for basketball. wanted to go city hall buy jerome's shoes. wanhao say friday. haha. play a while sweat like don't know what already man. left around 5 something. headed home. this few days quite bored after school lah. if i am in taman during last year,around this time we would be having dinner at the cave there! haha,which is what bestf,small pig and i think super cool manzxz girl is doing there now? hahaha! damn cool,they got hostel,cave,hostel group. haha. hope they are adapting well to the natural environment! alright,the match with AES tomorrow. amyrool is not playing. and steven is playing,phew. luckily. hahahaha. but just hope everything will be okay,which 80% should be okay. lol. wearing contacts tomorrow to play,i wonder how it's gonna feel like. haha. can't wait for this sunday 3-on-3,saturday return of bestf,small pig and super cool manzxz girl! :D (i hope friday will be normal). then saturday night,finally got bestf calls! haha. alright,i guess i shall go and have dinner already! ohya,manu and chelsea tonight! MANU MUST WIN! probably staying up tonight? haha. don't worry bestf,will msg you about the results! (: blog tomorrow! :D
i have made up my mind.
bestf! hows day two at taman! see,i am nice okay! everyday,got post here,then when you comeback then will see. hahaha. hope the cave is not very scary for you! :D
i want go taman againnnnnnnnn. it's really very fun lah,to think of what we were doing last year. ):
i hope to visit nashville one day.
10:23 PM | Tuesday, May 20, 2008
it's such a letdown.
vesak day. haha. okay,met jerome around 3 at khatib. headed to vivo first. walked around and headed to orchard. i think i going to settle for a shirt from topman i guess. but just don't know what design to get. ate mos for dinner at taka. then went to marketplace to buy chocos! haha. met bestf,pass the chocos to her! haha. headed home after that.
school was really damn dead. reach school and mrs tan was still talking to the sec threes! haha. saw bestf! :D but didn't see small pig and super cool manzxz girl! ): anyway,headed to normal lessons. express chinese had intensive chinese. jerome,wanhao and jianyi and the rest had intensive chinese. haha,8-12. how boring man. all lessons were really boring. and today's weather is like freaking freaking freaking hot can! will kill people one lah! and finally the last two periods were chinese and it was in it lab. wah,if not we will practically be hot to death in the classrooms! had trg after school,went market for lunch first. headed back to school,the school was like really damn quiet. seriously not as lively as compared to normal school day. i guess i have to get used to the quietness for this whole week. what a way to end the last week of school. so bored. trg was rather slack. hahaha,can't wait for thursday friendly! it's not because i am going to be player,but it's because i am gonna see how we are going to survive the whole match with only 10 players! the ten of us are-me,jerome,wanhao,gary,jianyi,victor,mengchao,roy,jasper,brehmer,amyrool and maybe steven. so either 10 or 11. haha. this is damn cool. after trg,bathed in school and went to take 965. headed to compass point. collect my contacts,and i have a hard time putting it in. okay,seriously it's not as easy as i thought lah. had dinner at chompchomp! :D yay! but no stingray cause the shop we usually eat never open. haha. headed home after that. super tired man. there's tution tomorrow. i don't know why i still dread tution this week. rahhhh. i think i am going to sleep now. really very tired already. eyes can like shut anytime nowwwwww. alright,blog tomorrow! :D
you two are better off together. lately i have been thinking a lot. and i guess,staying like this is the best.
bestf,this is for you! i guess you will be sleeping at the hostel in your first night already! hahaha. thank you for the message! so touching ahhhh! :D have fun at taman!
thousands stars shining in the sky,but only one makes you fall in love.
12:51 PM | Monday, May 19, 2008
rp 3-on-3!
haven't been blogging for two days uh. was really tired for the past two nights. haha.
woke up late in the morning! woke up at 8.15,when i supposed to meet everybody at 8.30! i fell asleep while using the comp on friday night. rushed to meet steven and gary at sembawang and the rest at woodlands. headed to RP. the 3-on-3 is at the entrance of RP,the floor was like wth. so lost our first match to helio's and eustance's team. played against some greendale sec team,won them barely on penalties. i even miss one,damn. then next vs hamka's team. played well and we won 2-0. after that match,we were in the quarters already. took on one of the merahans team,lose to them 2-1! wth,one goal. crap man. but think it's just a preparation to next week sp 3-on-3! haha. not bad for us to even reach the quarters. went to the sports hall,took some goodie bags! haha,it only have one t-shirt inside. wth lah. bathed and wasted a lot of time inside the toilet! hahaha. on the way back to the mrt,saw the finals. merahans won the stronger victoria. haha,thought victoria would win,cause they cameback a lot of goals. headed to vivo. ate at carl junior. haha,there was this little baby boy sitting in front of us and he turn around with his chubby face and a smile! haha,damn damn damn cute! then i gave him a fries and he immediately ate it,before his parents stopped him,and he was so cute lah! when he left,he waved goodbye also! hahaha. and he even said byebye! haha. was damn full because of the drink,walked around. decided to go orchard's topman,cause the shop there is bigger. wah,reach there the shop was full of people. the queue for trying was like super long. anyway,wanhao's bought his jeans,it's exactly the same as mine! haha. send wanhao to the mrt and the rest of us decided to go on to shop somemore. went taka's levis,mengchao wanted to buy jeans,the size he want sold out already. so headed to zara,saw one of my cousin,evelyn i think? not that sure. jerome bought a belt and mengchao bought his jeans. went food republic to have dinner and headed home.
for once,i didn't think about you for the whole day. is it a good thing?
met jerome at yishun mrt. as usual late again. had stomachache before i went out. lol. headed to yishun swimming complex. actually kind of want to go safra one,but must walk damn far,so didn't. when we reached there like not relaly a lot of people,but swam for around 30mins,wah the pool full of people. damn difficult to swim. met shermin at yishun and headed to city hall. she wanted to go look for her bag. went RC to buy something to eat first,was freaking hungry. got sushi from marketplace! walked around and headed to marina square. while we were in num,saw madeline! haha. was getting kind of late,so left first. need to go celebrate grandpa's birthday! (: headed to khatib bottletree to have dinner! woohoo. okay,but the food there not really nice actually. was alright,and it's really very expensive. haha. anyway,went northpoint swensens to buy ice cream cake and headed home. bought hazelnut ice cream cake! cut cake and everything. haha,had a great night.
sometimes having fun the whole day,can just make me forget everything.
think later going out with jerome. going to more shopping,okay rather window shopping. shall see what to buy first man! i think great singapore sales is arriving. cool. haha. okay,blog tonight! :D
goodbye friend,
8:32 PM | Friday, May 16, 2008
today was alright i guess. everybody was having activities,only 4NA have normal lessons. wtf right! remedials is the hot topic for teachers. so first and second week of june holidays confirmed got remedials. i don't know whether the thailand trip is still on man,feels like mummy is trying to hide something from me. hm,next week miss chua going for the taman negara camp,and guess who is going to replace her. hahahaha,wendy tang. okay coolshit. she's like going to takeover our class,cause mr sim is also going for the camp. damn. i think today activity in school,the most productive one is certainly afternoon assembly! cause power 98 and 88.3 fm deejays came over. damn cool. we even went on air just now in the power 98 show. and the most damn thing is,steven won a ipod shuffle. cause we had this lucky draw,and steven won it lah. he go write on three papers,no wonder lah! haha. when the dj said his address 'wellington circle',already know is him already lah. haha. he actually didn't come school lo! lucky guy. headed to city hall after school with jerome,wanhao and mengchao. we didn't know where to go,we just hop onto the train and just talk our way there. haha. again city hall,but this time went marina square. we didn't go there yesterday! went to eat long john,then walked around. saw someone! hahaha. topman was having some sales! tomorrow we going to buy already! hahaha. cooool. mengchao wanted to get the clam clowder soup at long john,but turned down twice! haha,so went to mos and slacked. think stayed there for one hour plus! haha. headed home after that! on the train home,we saw this advertisement. wanhao actually open a chinese restaurant lah,we didn't even know. saw it on the papers! haha. WANHAO'S CHINESE RESTAURANT. hahahahaha. damn funny! reached home around 6. i didn't know tomorrow rp 3-on-3 is so tough,till i asked felicia just now. wahlau,so many teams,even augustine is playing. just hope we would do well and manage a top-three finish! go team peanutbutter! :D there should be east knights trg on sunday! but there's grandpa birthday celebration on sunday tooo. siannn,i don't know lah. alright,blog tomorrow! :D
let me forget everything about you. thats all i can only do now.
pokka dots of green.
1:46 AM |
it never felt like that.
i never knew how hard love was. till now. i never knew how hard life was. till now. i realise everything was could be so good yesterday night,but today just a single sentence,it would hit you severely. it makes you really want to give up on everything,makes you feel like running away,feel like just do something and don't think about it. but the fact is,it had happened already. even it just a sentence with 5 or 6 words. but the meaning of the words,will just harm you so badly and deeply. time's up,game over. i rather i didn't know you at all. maybe life would be still be okay. i still blame myself for eveything. i am tired of all this stuffs,i am foolish. seriously,i shouldn't have turnback the other time round. i should just continue and totally give up. probably thats the best remedy,i don't know. no point saying anything now,it's too late for anything now. this time,it's really over.
darkness looming in.
8:50 PM | Thursday, May 15, 2008
i don't see anything in us.
today is bad. i merely pass english,thanks to my oral. if not i would died under the hands of mid years man. pratically failed all the other papers. and i am last in class for my social studies. cool right. super disappointed with my bio. i thought i could do better. here are the results. ss-10/50. bio-6/50. geog-6/50. english overall-52/100. so overall for mid year,i pass only maths,english and chinese. and chinese was my best subject. wow. thought chinese would be like lousier. haha. i didn't see you at all for the whole day. checked our english papers first. spend three periods doing that. but one period is like totally free period. after checked ss paper,andy highest in class. then checked geog paper. dorothy was highest in 4NA. wow. went to recess. for four days,i have been eating the same thing! bread and baos! haha. didn't feel like eating the rest of the food. wasted two periods by slacking at the corridor of the physics lab and comp lab 2. cause mr chandra was busy with something. super cool. haha,had super funny jokes and fun. lol,was laughing throughout. went back to classroom then slept a while,mr chandra came in with the papers. then had a free period,then went to canteen to viewed on those poly courses. quite cool eh,we took super lots of the pamplets! tourism seems interesting. feel like going,either temasek or ngee ann. see how first. wanted to give,but.... sorry. headed to peninsula with jerome and wanhao. ate at RC's Burger king. coool. walked a round peninsula,but didn't get anything. headed to suntec,on the way there,at citylink's adidas wanhao had his mind on that sala court shoes. haha,damn cool. ate suntec's doughut factory and headed back to buy that sala shoes.
headed home after that. on the way home,alighted at yishun and pass michelle her doughnut! haha. (: went back home,very tired. saturday's three on three seems tougher and tougher. i don't know man. if there isn't any place to go in the afternoon,i seriously want to kill time by sleeping. for the whole of next week,i really wish,time would speed past just like that,very fast. i really want to either sleep if i have nothing to do,or else go out till nighttime then i can hurry go sleep once i reach home. because bestf is going taman on tuesday! ): everybody going away,and next week will be so bored. seriosuly hope,next week will be packed with activities after school,and i don't wish to even think about anything. and you are leaving tomorrow. super don't wish i had this kind of feeling. actually today is been bad enough for me,i don't know did i manage to even type so much out. whatever,i just hope from tomorrow onwards,everyday will be okay,normal and happy. alright,blog tomorrow.
when time comes,i rather i had everything earlier. when the days are getting worser and worser everyday,it seems that nothing could ever replaced the good old times anymore. i don't know whether i should just go on like this,carrying on to make a fool out of myself in front of everybody or just stop and tell myself it's not the end of the world. how i wish,human beings have nothing to worry about and have a life that everyday could just be a happy day. i really don't want to go through what i am going through now. i really want to stop everything,but it is so difficult.
it's not about personality,it's about the character. just think with a straight mind,you won't be wrong.
8:51 PM | Wednesday, May 14, 2008
it's been long.
okay,i think a lot of people from phs is going to post somehow sad posts. cause today is like the killer day! we get back some of our papers. yeah,think i am satisfied with the results,i got back. somehow. got back maths,chinese,chem and poa paper 2. pretty expected for the results except maths. chinese overall-63/100. chem12.5/50. poa paper 2-7.5/60. maths overall 62/100. was happy over chinese,chem and poa was really very expected results. and my maths overall supposed to be 63 one lah! damn. both paper one and paper 2 lose one mark each. okay,now i seriosuly need to do better for maths,going to work super hard for it! must get A1! and sharlyn got 58/60 for paper two! jiahao got 83 for overall(class highest),zhengquan got 71 for paper one and 90 for overall! wahlau. i hope i could get those results. anyway,headed to amk hub for lunch. didn't went to jalan kayu. ate at macs. headed home after that. didn't go tution,fell asleep once i reached home and expected,overslept. still suffering fromt eh tiredness caused by yesterday trg! haha. and there's no trg tomorrow,because of some o level shit! damn. super really wanted trg tomorrow. hope we will do well for saturday's three on three! (: ohya,think going peninsula or queensway tomorrow to get wanhao's shoes! alright,blog tomorrow! :D
one more day. hah. i don't even know what i am doing seriously.
the nearer it is,the further it's going to get.
11:23 PM | Tuesday, May 13, 2008
i've got a weird feeling.
lessons are alright today. had cyber wellness workshop before recess. it's on some internet safety and prevention of getting cheated on the net. it's damn bored,slept mostly throughout the earlier part of the course,went out to slack later. after recess,had two free periods,as mdm loo didn't come. had two periods of chinese. woohoo,forget to bring the comprehension lah,left it on my study table. damn! haha. put bag in the hall first and headed to market for lunch. ate and cameback school and have trg! yesyesyes! been looking forward for this trg for so long! though,might be quite slack,but still quite productive. but i didn't get that feeling of playing floorball last time! hm,i don't know how to say! but it was still good,manage to do some quick counters. shall work on that for the RP and SP 3-on-3! after trg,headed home with jerome and tim. it's been quite a time since we last played floorball lah. thats why maybe everybody didn't played well just now! thursday trg will be even better i guess! reached home and i almost fell asleep immediately,had dinner first. i woke up at 11! haha. we are checking our papers tomorrow. okay,i just hope everything will turn out fine. passes will be all i wish for. and doing well for maths papers is the expectation i gave myself. if i don't do well for maths,i am gonna so blame myself. ohya,going jalan kayu after school tomorrow! :D but there's tution at 5.30 tomorrow. ): wahlau,i don't have the mood for tution now. damn. 3 more days to the 3-on-3! i am starting to feel some nerves already! ohya,the kayaking course that we all gonna take! damn cool,think it's two weeks later from now! 31 may and 7 june! haha. we made our plans already ah shaun! hahahahaha. alright,blog tomorrow then! :D
i have let myself down,almost every single little time. i don't know how to end everything.
everything inside me,it's just so confusing.
8:38 PM | Monday, May 12, 2008
trg tomorrow!
today was alright. normal lessons resumes. not something that i look forward to. was sleeping during poa,and get caught by miss chee again. wahlau. she talked to me again after lesson. i don't know man. i really want to give up poa. i want amaths. i don't know. i don't want to think about it now,but yet miss chee wants my answer as soon as possible. she said this 'the later you get started,the lesser time you have'. ahhh,this is so frustrating. anyway,rest of the lessons were alright. had maths lesson in the comp lab! haha. used the comp as usual! after school,wanhao wasn't feeling well. so halmost everybody headed home. me and jerome headed to city hall. had burger king at marina square,walked around and went over to suntec to walk around. and so fast,it was already 6. ate doughnut at doughnut factory! :D went carrefour to walk around. went to RC to walk around,realise that actually there's lots of sajc students at city hall today! when about to go home,then realise there was a rugby match going on. a divsion one somemore. haha. sajc vs acjc. damn cool. haha,but too bad,didn't get to catch a glimpse of the match. haha. headed home around 6.30. very long never go out until so late after school! okay,sec 1-3 is really damn good. mr tan confirmed that IT day is tomorrow for them by making announcement during assembly. okay,how cool can that be. i want IT day too,but there's trg,so i am super duper looking forward to it! school's gonna be very quiet tomorrow. i hope for a shorter holiday,really. trg tomorrow! can't wait to play floorball lah. hope tomorrow trg is productive! and our div 3 team name is some very very very weird name! haha,shalln't mention it. it's really very weird. aha. alright,i am going to sleep early tonight! blog tomorrow! :D
one day less. yes,indeed everything's over. certainly over. everything i hope for,the chances and that wish,are all dashed. it's over,i believe.
i hope my prayers are answered.
1:18 AM |
Fm Static - Hey Now (Secret Song) lyrics
I met you at the club that night,
Around was spinning records,
And my heart said,
Hey now, Hey now, Hey now,
Hey now yaaaow
You said you were pleased to meet me,
Through the sweet smell of your perfume,
And blew me,
Away now, Away now, Away now,
Away now yaaaow
Later on that week we went out,
Talked under the stars until the next,
Day now, Day now, Day now,
Day now yaaaow
you drank your fruitopia,
And we never ran out of things to,
Say now, Say now, Say now,
Say now yaaow
Any minute im not with you,
I hope ill see you soon,
Theres just something that happens,
When you walk into the room
And instantly i feel so complete,
It hits me right about the time you kiss my cheek,
And you give me this feeling,
Its like no other feeling,
But it knocks me off my feet
Please dont ask me what i like about you,
Cause its every little thing you do,
And thats just the way you make me feel
And I dont think,
That there are any others out there like you,
And I wont blink cause that would mean,
I would miss a second beside you
And maybe you know what i mean,
Or maybe this is just a dream,
I pinch myself just to make sure,
But im still here and there you are,
I wonder why we just met now,
It just kind of happened somehow,
But here we are together and,
Thats all that matters in the end
You can never ask for too much,
Cause i'd travel the world just to feel your touch,
Thats just the way you make me feel
this song is damn nice. haha. woohoo,manu are officially champions! :D they won wigan 2-0! ronaldo penalty and giggs goal! woohoo! here come the red devils,go away chelsea! manu's gonna do the double at moscow! haha. and fulham won also! yes,knew that they will survived the drop lah! alright,this post is so footballl! haha. but the main focus,go listen the song! it's real nice! :D
6:59 PM | Sunday, May 11, 2008
whatever it takes.
today morning was pretty alright! woke up at 10 plus,forever waking up early mannnnn. hahaha. met jerome at chongpang,he went to cut hair. ate there and headed to yishun swimming complex! haha. it's the second time i am going there this week! lol. go there for what,of course swimming lah. haha,this time is real swimming! swam 30 laps today! woohoo. very long never had this kind of long swimming! after swimming,headed to s11,to have prata! and headed home after that. rest a while and went out with parents and brother to compass point. went to make contacts. i only use it during floorball. hahahaha,going to collect it on thursday. coool. haha. went to converse and get my new school shoes! :D haha. bought something else. headed home after that! satisfied day! can't wait for trg on tuesday,super seriously! i know i everyday keep posting about tuesday's trg,but i super can't wait for it. i wanna play floorball lah. haha. alright,there's school tomorrow. and if i am not wrong,we are gonna check poa paper two. let's see how much i am gonna get. alright,blog tomorrow! :D
i've given up.
holding on.
10:53 PM | Saturday, May 10, 2008
this few days.
this few days,things changed so much. every word seems to be so meaningless. i would rather the memories stay,and not the present. haha,crap. what a way to start today post. haha. let me start from morning. met wanhao and jerome at amk,took 88 to toa payoh for soccer! :D kicked with wanhao's brother and his friends! hahaha. damn fun! ate and headed home. went out after a while,met jerome again. and met shermin at vivo! wanted to buy my school shoes,but no size again! wth! jerome went adidas,but didn't saw his bag he wanted to buy. ate super dog! headed to dhoby ghaut next. went to cathay's adidas and look for his bag. he bought it and the adidas person say what,it's one of new model! haha. cool. but it look like an old model eh. hahaha. anyway,trained back to admiralty! went to shermin house,jerome and shermin cooked fish porridge! haha. did heymath,was kind of easy,but i anyhow tikam. haha. went to macs and talk a while board the last train home! haha. enjoyed today! very long never go out until so late already! haha. think i am going to swimming tomorrow again! haha,wahlau tanning session again! lol. alright,i going to sleep soon anyway! blog tomorrow! :D
six days more,i just want to grab all the chances to talk to you before the trip.
i am just going to take everything easily.
10:06 PM | Friday, May 09, 2008
what happens in vegas!
school was damn quiet today. only had sec 4s and 5s. haha. damn cool. so had mostly free periods in class today. ohya,got back poa paper 1,haha. got 1.5/40 for paper one! and i am not the lowest! haha. but kind of expected it lah. before poa was maths,went to the comp lab for lesson! 34/60 for chinese paper two! yay. i passed! super happy lah. pass chinese already. still got english and maths left! haha. anw,mdm loo played spelling bee with us during ss! haha. anw,was pratically playing my brother's psp the whole morning,every lessons sure got play a while! haha. assembly was spent at comp lab again! haha. super super super cool. like a lot of people online lah,everybody was talking to each other even though some are just sitting beside. haha. headed to dhoby ghaut after school with jerome and wanhao. ate long john and mengchao came to met us. headed to cathay and watched what happens in vegas! damn cool show. the show is not bad if you understand it,but quite understandable. and ashton kutcher and cameron diaz is damn cool. woo,cameron diaz is hot! haha. i give it 3/5 stars! haha. it's a sexual comedy movie i think. hahahaha. after the movie slacked at macs a while and headed to amk for dinner. mengchao left at dhoby ghaut and wanhao left at amk. met shermin and went to eat kfc. walked around amk and headed home already. haha,so cool lah. there's soccer again tomorrow! and yes,i am going to be much much much more tanner! how cool can that be! lol. going vivo if i am not wrong after soccer. haha. and there's no trg on sunday. so that means must wait till tuesday! wahlau! haha. nvm,can at least rest more! my stomach till my foot,every part is painful! too long never kick soccer already lah. haha. alright,i going to sleep soon! blog tomorrow! :D
apparently,i had seeminly opted for something else.
let the ball start rolling again.
7:52 PM | Thursday, May 08, 2008
it seems that it won't happen.
exams are over! yes. finally! poa was as usual,like shit! haha. slept 45 mins and only use 15 mins to do 3 questions out of 5. and the three also not really completed. haha,assembly was damn quiet! cause only 4 express/5 normal and we the 4na poa class! damn quiet lah in the morning! guess tomorrow will be more noisy. anw,headed home and went out after bathing. headed to meet jerome,wanhao,jianyi,mengchao,gary,victor,ivan and qinghai at yishun s11! ate prata and headed to the street soccer court. wahlau,was rainning when we walked there,but was better after that! played almost 5 hours of soccer! everybody was freaking tired after that man! tripped over something and got a cut at my elbow there! haha. me and jerome headed to one of the coffee shops nearby and had lunch. the rest headed home or went out. very long never had so much fun playing street soccer! it's been long actually since we last played together! me and jerome headed to swimming after that! the swimming was damn quiet at first,but suddenly it was filled with little kids having their swimming lessons,super cool! haha. and the cut was super painful when i go into the pool. and the cut makes me remember one of the question during the bio paper! haha. bathed and headed home after swimming. yes,i am even more tanner now! woohoo. but it's not due to swimming this time,it was the soccer that made me more tanner! i hope that,can go sentosa soon lah! i think nobody can even recognise me anymore! haha. ohya,next weekend,my mum ask me to go malaysia! cause all my mum's side relatives are going. ahhh,my cousins! but there's the rp 3-on-3 next saturday! i want to go man,cause can like go overseas! even though it's only malaysia. ohya,then maybe going to thailand during the holidays! woohoo. damn cool man! but i can't wait for the league to start more! i feel like playing floorball now. i can't wait for trgs lahhhhh. haha. alright,there's school tomorrow. and heard that there's post-exam activities tomorrow. wow,and i am super not looking forward to it. and heard that it's gonna end around 5? heck man. maybe going movie again tomorrow! coool. alright,blog tomorrow! :D
changed,everything's changed. i don't believe whatever you say now,i am serious.
further and further.
9:46 PM | Wednesday, May 07, 2008
today was okay! had an enjoyable day. wanted to go swimming,but the weather was rather not on our side today! rained heavily and we had to stay at home till three! met jerome,wanhao and jianyi at yck. saw winnie on teh train,talk to her a while,lol. we talked about jc life. haha. anw,headed to city hall,cabbed down to the oakley shop there! freak,the uncle wasted my money by driving circles around a wrong street. in the end,found it. but when we reach there,the shop was gone! it was changed to another shop! wth. and my mum just told me that it has changed to bukit merah that area. wow,how cool right. damn,means i have to go to bukit merah there to change my specs before the 3-on-3 starts. wahhhh. damn far lah. anw,walked to laupasat for lunch! damn late lunch. ate and headed to bugis. hahahahaha. damn funny. somebody was damn quiet when we were at bugis street,shalln't mention who. hahaha. jianyi and wanhao bought their shorts. and headed to orchard. jianyi had to go home first,so the rest of us headed there. walked around and jerome ate first. walked around again,then wanhao had to go already. so went to amk to eat my dinner. haha,walk around and headed home. okay,and i have to go to school for a pathetic one hour paper. damn cool isn't it. one hour paper. and i freaking don't care whether i do well or bad for that paper. it won't affect my poa marks. and we are going soccer and swimming tomorrow! haha. yay! very long never kick street soccer already. and i can't wait for trgs,hope this sunday finally got east knights trg! i wanna see what new players are at east knights! :D damn cool. i feel like going so many places! like sentosa,east coast park,zoo,jurong bird park,night safari,botanic garden and many other places! actually if i keep going town,i might feel that singapore got actually no place to go! but suddenly,i realise there are interesting places,singapore offers! haha,but everything comes with a price. lol. exams are offically over for me tomorrow. though exams are over,i feel like we got no where to go during the holidays. it will be the same old places again. blog tomorrow! :D
life's is bored without your msgs. i wonder when can we msg like how we do last time.
is it game over? or is it time to give up? i hope i knew the answer.
9:55 PM | Tuesday, May 06, 2008

ohya the ironman pictures! haha. found it on the web! robert downey jr is some coolshit!
9:33 PM |
how i wish.
bio was like total crap. seriously,it was CRAP. it was damn difficult. forget sexual reproduction in man wasn't tested! wahlau,waste my time,go learn that one! just hope that i won't fail that badly,it's sure fail. anw,mengchao came over to my house after the paper. went to macs to buy breakfast! wah,saw yunong and so many of my primary school friends there! like canberra primary gathering can! haha. desmond damn tall! lol. anw,headed home. eat and slack at home for a while,and went back school to find jerome they all. in the end,only jerome,mengchao and me went to fatpipe. the rest went market i think. reached fatpipe,and screwed the jason's stick. mengchao bought his LIMITED EDITION stick. hahahahahaha! everyone,remember,mengchao has a LIMITED EDITION stick! hahaha. think if my unihoc curve stick spoil,gonna get the fatpipe oak blade stick! love that blade man,i think it's better then the hole blade one. haha. damn cool. and it's 145 only,cheaper then the hole one. haha. ate at kfc. met wanhao,jianyi,glenden,zhengquan and kenneth at j8. went to watch ironman! woohoo. we didn't know the movie was 2 hours and 15 mins long,till mengchao told us when we were in the cinema! haha. the azhar guy was working there. cool,think he's joinning east knights. haha. the movie's is damn damn damn cool. 5 out of 5! the technology of the movie is superb! i hope i got tony stark's technology! we were talking about it after the show! haha,i wish i have his kind of basement. way damn cool. anw,wanted to kick soccer at bishan after the movie. but zhengquan's mum thorwed away all the balls in his house! haha. so headed home! anw,enjoyed today! today's was awesome. tomorrow going swimming again! wah,i think i am going to be damn dark like that! haha. alright,blog tomorrow! :D
life's unpredictable. one day it might be like everything was so happy and fine,the next day everything can just come crashing down,hurting you without you knowing. facts are really hard to accept sometimes.
i wish i didn't hear what i heard today.
9:04 PM | Monday, May 05, 2008
geog and chem killer papers.
geog and chem are really killer papers. seriously. i slept during geog and i was left with pratically 15 mins to finish my papers. haha. chem was okay,quite easy,but i feel like i am attempting at my primary school paper,when primary school,when i attempt science paper,i will tikam. haha. and thats what i did just now! okay,just hope i can pass chem? geog bound to fail already,damn. anw,headed to bishan for lunch cum breakfast. we ate the foodcourt,it's renovated. kinda suaku,didn't know it's renovated already. haha. walk around j8. headed home after that. haha,met that pig and walk pig home again! cheer up pig! :D last second paper tomorrow! and that's bio! hahaha. i hope can do well at elast for bio. i don't wanna fail science anymore,especially bio. anw,we are going to celebrate after tomorrow. cause jerome they all finish exmas tomorrow! wahlau,damn good can! haha. going fatpipe to buy mengchao's stick tomorrow! yeah. cool,finally exams are going to finish. and thursday poa paper only 1 hour. after that,can enjoy! at least for now,n's are arriving also. hai. haha. nvm lah. anw,me,jerome,wanhao and steven are joinning the RP 3-on-3 thing! one week before the 3-on-3 at SP! damn cool. haha,but paly for fun only lah. the regristration is free anw. haha,our team name is team peanutbutter! okay,sounds damn lame! alright,i am going to continue studying bio then! :D blog tomorrow! :D
i certainly won't,i promise you i will not give up. motivation(:
i don't feel lonely anymore,because i know you are there.
8:59 PM | Sunday, May 04, 2008
today's has been fine,bored but at least better. didn't went to pray,just couldn't wake up. slept damn late last night again. met chongling around 1? supposed to pass her my geog textbook. lol. haha,crap. we went back school. just to take her geog textbook! wahlau,waste my time lah. haha,kidding. but what a nice bright and sunny day to be in school. anw,headed home after that. tv was being my companion again,HBO has super lots of nice movie this few days! thats why i won't get bored,not like pig who has plenty of dvds at home to watch uh! anw,fell asleep,think from 4-6. then received a msg from sp. hahahahaha. yay! :D anw,went to sunplaza to return the books and top up the card! :D shit man,i totally didn't study at all today. wow,i sure dead tomorrow. time pass damn quick today,and here comes a another new week tomorrow. geog and chem papers tomorrow! geog,at least a pass,chem no hope already. haha. and there's bio on tuesday! after that,can so-called say exams are over? yeah! cause of the poa paper on thursday! wahlau. delayed my have fun time! but nvm lah,we are going to enjoy next week! and yes,trgs! haha! super can't wait for trgs to start! i wonder why man,since coming into the secondary school life,time have been like speed of light. a day is just over like that. either is productive or unproductive day,24 hours just gone. so fast i am going to 16 in just three months time. sometimes i feel that i had my 15th birthday yesterday. i still can remember what i was doing during the whole last year. suddenly in another seven months time,we are going to be sec five(must pass n's first lah!). i rather life and time will stop for a while. i guess it will be much perfect. haha,shit i typing so much crap! aha. alright,hope i do well for tomorrow! i hope lifehouse will come to singapore,to have a concert! they are a super cool band! blog tomorrow! :D
i feel more happy because of you. (: thanks.
sitting under the moonlight with you,all my troubles are gone.
9:27 PM | Saturday, May 03, 2008
ripcurl bag!
morning started badly! had a stomachache once i woke up! rush to the toilet like an idiot lah! aha! then tv was being my companion as usual. mum bought long john silver for breakfast today! woohoo. steven came over at 2! haha,he studied chem and i studied geog! wahlau! tomorrow still must meet chongling to pass her the geog textbook. hahahahaha. anw,he went home. met again and went to meet jerome. very long never go out with steven already! headed to city hall look for my ripcurl bag! woohoo,finally bought it! yay! steven ate kfc and we headed to orchard! steven went to study,so left me and jerome! aha. walk around looking for school shoes! i know we like some idiots going around orchard for school shoes! in the end,our sightseeing bring us lots of catch of the days! haha. ate mos at taka,and headed home! :D tomorrow going to pray? there's no trg again tomorrow! hope there is next week! can't wait to play floorball! alright,blog tomorrow! :D
i have been only missing you,wonder if you know.
here we are,meeting at the crossroads once again.
10:59 PM | Friday, May 02, 2008
maths paper two was alright. much easier then paper one. hope can pull my paper one marks up! yay,dad send me to school together with steven today. very long never take his car already lah. haha. did some online survey after school,wahlau every year also will do that survey one lah. went market after the survey,headed home after that. went swimming around 12.30 with jerome. the sun was like burning hot! super tanned lah! and we saw this gay in the toilet! wah,super super gay can! aha! went to eat chicken rice after that! wah,damn hungry! haha. headed to novena doughnut factory to study! wahlau,at first thought why so many people then go toilet come out then realise they are fliming! wth! so headed to BK to study. the tea there damn power! studied and talk a lot till around 7.45? walk around and went home after that! talked to small pig! haha. damn tired man,the swimming killing me! my face now red like crap. and there's maybe soccer in the morning! wah,small pig,monday must look out ah! don't freak out if you see someone dark with only uniform on only! haha. four papers to go. geog,chem,bio and poa paper one. hope all this will end quickly! tired! alright,blog tomorrow! :D
didn't thought it would reach till that kind of stage,super unexcepted. i regret.
everytime i miss you,i just look up. and knowing the stars would be holding me tonight.
9:04 PM | Thursday, May 01, 2008
300 post!
haha,this the 300 post! damn cool. so fast man,it's may already. five months have just past like that,really felt this week is the starting week of the year. felt like yesterday was 31 dec 2007. aha. well,my cousins came over for a while just now. there's stomp the yard on HBO just now! woohoo,columbus short and ne-yo! woooohooooo. damn cool lah,their dance step. the movie was really great. and dodgeball was showing around the same time on channel five! aha. i think nice shows are all on thursdays! same like last week,that transporter show. damn cool. looks like there's actually a lot of acitivities after exams. almost everybody leaving for overseas trips,and everything. haha. surely i will really await for the league to come! can't wait to play together with the current team,really very cool. seriously,we must get promoted to div 2! haha. and hope we will win the 3-on-3 too! :D alright,back to maths revision. ): blog tomorrow!
character is the key,but nuturing says it all.
3:24 PM |
today is boring.
today is damn boring. damn boring. no more going out to get the ripcurl bag anymore. ): that ass is braindrainning himself at home. but we are going on saturday i think. and graphs are shits. hate graphs like nobody business man. wahlau,i really want to like get out of the house! it's so bored. hope there's trg on sunday,cause i seriously want to play floorball,though there's exams on monday. hope this mid year just past immediately. then can go back to the have fun life. when there's trgs and floorball comp and the upcoming league! yeah! can't wait for the second half of the year,when there's league but there comes the n's. okay,i think i am going back to continue with the graphs. today is getting more and more boring.
lately,i have been thinking about you.
2:39 AM |
2.46 am now! haha. woke up two hours ago! fell asleep lah! sorry to those who talk to me on msn uh! today was maths paper 1! wahhhh. seriosuly,the whole paper except for one were all sec one ,two and three work! freak man! totally forget a lot of things! but the simple questions were rather simple! aha! man,must do super well for paper two on friday lah! so anw,after paper,waited with mengchao for jerome they all. did some tution work in canteen and went to take the forms from mdm jaafar locker for the 3-on-3! woohoo. team XI is back in action! haha. hope we would get top threee! must win merahans lah. two years ago,we lost to that freaking merahans team and got kicked out of the group. this time must meet them and kick them out during their earlier matches man. wanhao,jianyi,kok sien and sherman is team XII. mengchao,ben,pengting and weijie is team XIII. cheukfan,tim and faqrul i think is team XIIII. sound so cool. got four teams participate man,means sure will meet one of the teams one! haha. damn cool. anw,headed to plaza sing with the smae people! damn cool! ate at the foodcourt,haha. after that walk around plaza sing,saw this ripcurl and volcom bag at flash and splash! i think i am gonna get the ripcurl one i think. something like my adidas that kind of bag,but i think the ripcurl one is like nicer. though the volcom one very big and the price more worth it. hahaha! slack at macs a while and headed home. while walking to the mrt station,there was this guy who was walking and he banged onto wanhao! hahahaha! then wanhao shouted lah,it's like damn funny. followed the guy throughout the mrt! so funny man! reached home,slept a while and headed to tution. woke up late,so was late for almost half an hour! haha. think i am more preapred for maths paper two already! tomorrow's holiday! woohoo. maybe going out with jerome to get the bag! and changed the rubber of my specs! alright,blog tomorrow! :D
sometimes i feel rather weird inside out. i guess about the decision,i didn't make it at all. somehow i already knew the answer. i guess it was predicted. life goes on anw. maybe i was foolish enough to even do that.
it will appear at the right moment and disappear at the wrong moment.